Month: April 2023

Celebration of King’s Day 2023
As the world of Dutch people in Netherlands, Europe & Bangladesh celebrate Koningsdag (birthday of His Majesty King Willem Alexander), Amb. Riaz Hamidullah and the Embassy Team greet all Dutch friends a great Orange Party.

The Embassy wishes all friends in Bangladesh Netherlands and beyond a joyous EidAlFitr
The Embassy wishes all friends in Bangladesh Netherlands and beyond a joyous, harmonious and peaceful life on the occasion of Eid Mubarak. Wens alle vrienden in Bangladesh Nederland en daarbuiten een vreugdevol, harmonieus en vredig leven […]

Dr. Hasan Mahmud, MP, Hon. Minister for Information and Broadcasting visited the Embassy
Dr. Hasan Mahmud, MP, Hon. Minister for Information and Broadcasting visited the Embassy (17 April). He paid homage to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation, as he went round the Embassy’s “Bangabandhu […]

Amb. Riaz Hamidullah joined RVO and Dutch Embassy in Bangladesh at a Webinar to unravel floriculture opportunities in Bangladesh.
Previous Next Amb. Riaz Hamidullah joined RVO and Dutch Embassy in Bangladesh at a Webinar to unravel floriculture opportunities in Bangladesh. Much opportunities beckon for Netherlands floriculture industries to engage in Bangladesh. https://businesspostbd.com/news/bangladesh-netherlands-business-initiative-likely-to-start-soon-2023-04-12?fbclid=IwAR1qSJlvlLJewxGvGnkSQIy6RUEovfs_HtRcn0Xjz2OiQ34zb43MZlBciSY