Bangladesh new Ambassador to the Netherlands His Excellency Tareque Muhammad presented his letter of Credence to His Majesty the King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands

Bangladesh new Ambassador to the Netherlands His Excellency Tareque Muhammad presented his letter of Credence to His Majesty the King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands on 28 August 2024 at an elegant ceremony held at the seat of the Royal Office – Noordeinde Palace in The Hague.
The Ambassador was escorted by the Royal Chamberlain from the Chancery to the Palace in the traditional horse-drawn ceremonial carriage. At the palace entrance, a contingent of Royal Guard played the national anthem of Bangladesh, which was followed by inspection of the guard. He was then received at the Palace by the Grand Master of the Royal Household.
His Majesty the King expressed his satisfaction at the extensive bilateral relations demonstrated in continuous and growing engagements between the two countries. He expressed hope that the interim government of Bangladesh will bring back normalcy rapidly and complete the transition through an election.
Bangladesh Ambassador highlighted the priorities of the interim government including establishing #security and stable environment, undertaking reform and organizing election. The King mentioned the personal acquaintance of Queen Máxima with Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, in her capacity as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Inclusive Finance for Development (appointed in 2009).
The King also underlined that Netherlands and Bangladesh have established synergetic relations by exchanging expertise and knowledge in management of flood and post flood rehabilitations.
Bangladesh Ambassador thanked the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the fruitful cooperation in the socio-economic development and informed the King of the existing robust investment opportunities and the sound policies that are geared to develop and support a strong private sector.
The King wished to strengthen bilateral relations across various fields, stressing his country’s readiness to provide all possible support.