‘Get that Jobs’: Career Planning Workshop for Bangladesh nationals held in the Hague

Embassy of Bangladesh

The Hague

Press Release

‘Get that Jobs’: Career Planning Workshop for Bangladesh nationals held in the Hague

28 July 2018, Saturday, The Hague: Embassy of Bangladesh, The Hague in association with BrainChain, organized a career planning workshop for Bangladeshi students and job seekers. To prepare Bangladesh origin students better, share the challenges and opportunities of the Dutch job market and firsthand experience of facing job interviews, the Embassy organized the workshop for the first time. Every year a good number of students come to different universities of The Netherlands for higher studies. After successful completion of study, they get one year grace period to secure a job in the Netherlands which will lead to visa extension and successful continuation of the job for couple of years will ultimately lead to the citizenship.

Embassy Officials, members of Embassy family, BrainChain members and 13 Bangladesh nationals, who are preparing themselves for job, participated in the workshop. Members of BrainChain, an association of Bangladeshi professionals who are successfully working in Dutch companies, guided them to prepare themselves as potential candidate for job market. Finding suitable jobs after graduation, to some extent, is very challenging as most of the students are not well aware of the challenges and opportunities of the Dutch job market. Job seekers also seemed to be unaware of the difficulties of the job market as they only start to explore the options after graduation. The members of BrainChain, through their presentation briefed the participants about goal setting, job search strategies, application and cover letter writing and other job search related activities. A mock interviews was being conducted for the participants.

Ambassador Belal thanked “BrainChain” for their trend setting example of “giving back” to the motherland and hoped that they will continued to include innovation in our “innovation” room in the Embassy.

Ambassador Belal stated that our ultimate goal is to see our students are back to our country and contribute towards our nation building utilizing the new found insights in the Netherlands. Highly appreciating, “innovative and creative” culture of the Netherlands, Ambassador Belal urged students to pick up concepts and lessons on how to “do more with the less” as we walk towards “circular economy”.

At the end of the programme, the participants expressed their satisfaction on organizing such workshop which not only advised them to prepare themselves for suitable job opportunities but also gave them a platform to share their difficulties, create the network with Bangladeshi professionals and ultimately gives them a feeling that at this unknown land there are someone who cares for them.


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