In welcoming the new year, 2023, greetings to all friends in Netherlands as the Embassy continues to present Bangladesh in all the diverse elements aiming to deepen  engagements and friendship between the two peoples.

In welcoming the new year, 2023, greetings to all friends in Netherlands as the Embassy continues to present Bangladesh in all the diverse elements aiming to deepen  engagements and friendship between the two peoples.

Design Goopy Bagha Productions Limited

(This full-size creatively designed Ad appeared in the prestigious (annual) Parliamentary Agenda that releases next week, in Denhaag. It was designed by two young visual artists back in Dhaka as commissioned / conceptualised by the Embassy.)


Bij het verwelkomen van het nieuwe jaar, 2023, groeten aan alle vrienden in Nederland terwijl de ambassade Bangladesh blijft presenteren in alle verschillende elementen met als doel de-verlovingen en vriendschap tussen de twee volkeren te verdiepen.

Deze creatief vormgegeven Poster wordt vandaag uitgebracht in de (jaarlijkse) Nederlandse Parlementaire Agenda 2023 in Denhaag.