Month: July 2020

National Emblem
National Emblem is a symbol that represents the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. It is the national flower shapla (Nymphaea pubescens) resting on water, having on each side an sheaf of paddy and being surmounted by […]

National Flag
Ration: Length: 10, Width: 6Color: Procion Brilliant Green H-2RS 50 parts per 1000Procion Brilliant Orange H-2RS 60 parts per 1000

Bangladesh at a Glance
General Information Trade and Commerce Socio-Economic General Information Official name : People’s Republic of Bangladesh Geographical Location : Bangladesh is situated in the eastern part of the South Asian sub-continent. It lies between latitudes 20°34’ […]

Vin d’honneur
Short description would be – newly appointed ambassador of Bangladesh to The Netherlands H E M Riaz Hamidullah hosted a reception in honour of the diplomatic community on 15 July 2020 upon presentation of his credential to His Majesty King Willem Alexander. […]