Independence and National Day
National Day Reception Monday, 27 March 2017 at 17.30 hrs (By invitations only) Venue Bangladesh House, Zijdeweg 42, 2244 BE, Wassenaar
National Day Reception Monday, 27 March 2017 at 17.30 hrs (By invitations only) Venue Bangladesh House, Zijdeweg 42, 2244 BE, Wassenaar
Bangladesh Ambassador to the Netherlands H.E. Sheikh Mohammed Belal today at the Dutch Parliament met the 4-member Dutch Parliamentary delegation who is scheduled to attend the 136th Assembly of Inter-Parliamentary Union to be held in […]
Renowned Dutch Professor of Coastal Engineering and Port Development Dr. ir.J.A.(Dano) Roelvink, Water Science and Engineering Department, UNESCO-IHE was in our Embassy today. Ambassador Sheikh Mohammed Belal and Professor Roelvink had hour long […]
Bangladesh on Monday, February 27, 2017, recognised Kosovo as an independent country. The cabinet approved a foreign ministry proposal for the recognition of The Republic of Kosovo as a sovereign and independent country. With the approval, Bangladesh […]
ISS-International Institute of Social Studies team visits Embassy দি হেগস্থ ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইন্সটিটিউট অব সোস্যাল ষ্টাডিজ (ISS-International Institute of Social Studies)-এর অধ্যাপক দেজ গ্যাস্পার (Professor Des Gasper) এবং উক্ত প্রতিষ্ঠানে পিএইচডি গবেষনারত মিজ বিয়াট্রিস এ. কাম্পিল্লো […]
Bangladesh Ambassador to the Netherlands Sheikh Mohammed Belal in an exclusive interview with The News Today said that Dutch government recognizes Bangladesh as one of the emerging economies and foresees that its economy would graduate […]
17 March 2017, The Hague: Children of the Bangladesh community in the Netherlands had a chance to express their affection to their beloved leader on his birthday. Please see the Press Release
Bangladesh Community in the Netherlands Marks the Birth Anniversary of Bangabandhu 17 March 2017, The Hague: Children of the Bangladesh community in the Netherlands had a chance to express their affection to their beloved leader […]
On the occasion of the Birth Anniversary of the Father of the Nation and National Children’s Day the Embassy will remain close on 17 March 2017.
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