Relations with International Organizations

Bangladeshi in PCA: In Brief

The PCA (Permanent Court of Arbitration) was the first permanent intergovernmental organization to provide a forum for the resolution of international disputes through arbitration and other peaceful means. The PCA was established by the Convention […]

Relations with International Organizations

Bangladesh in CFC: In Brief

The Common Fund for Commodities (CFC), headquartered in Amsterdam, is an autonomous intergovernmental financial institution established within the framework of the United Nations. The Agreement Establishing the Common Fund for Commodities became effective in 1989. […]

Relations with International Organizations

Bangladeshi in ICC: In Brief

Bangladesh had been at the forefront of the global campaign for the early adoption of the Rome Statute and the creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Bangladesh’s conviction to such an instrument has been […]

Relations with International Organizations

Bangladeshi in OPCW: In Brief

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which won Nobel Prize for Peace in 2013, is a globally acclaimed international organization dedicated to implement 1993 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, […]