Children in The Netherlands observed Bangabandhu’s 98th Birth Anniversary

17 March 2018, The Hague: Embassy of Bangladesh in The Hague celebrated the 98th Birth Anniversary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Childrens’ Day 2018. To observe the day with due solemnity and festivity an elaborated programme was undertaken by the Embassy. A good number of expatriate Bangladesh community, along with their children, attended the programme.

The programme of the day started with recitation from Holy religious scripts. Messages of Hon’ble President, Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon’ble Foreign Minister and Hon’ble State Minister of Foreign Affairs received on this special occasion were read out. A special prayer (munajat) was offered seeking divine blessings for the eternal peace of souls of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family members, for the peace and prosperity of the country and for the salvation of the passengers who died in plane crash of US Bangla air craft on 12 March 2018. Press release issued on the occasion of Bangladesh’s graduation from LDC status was also recited in front of the audience.

Participating in the discussion session, leaders and members of Netherlands Awami-League paid tribute to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Among them Mr. Shamim Akram, Mr. Alauddin Mollah, Mr. Joynal Abedin, Mr. Mostafa Jaman, Mr. Imran Hossain, Freedom Fighter Mr. Maeed Faruk  delivered their brief remarks in remembrance of the Great Leader. In their speech, they mentioned that through his dynamic leadership, Bangabandhu had organised the Bangalee nation to fight against exploitation and repression by the Pakistani rulers. The movement culminated in independent Bangladesh through the nine-month Liberation War in 1971. The charismatic leadership and personality of Bangabandhu had brought the whole nation under one umbrella. As a result, we got the independence and sovereign Bangladesh and the Bangalee nationalism flourished. They also praised Bangabandhu’s leadership in very difficult times, his positive ideology, and his place among Bengalis as a role model.

In his statement, H.E. Sheikh Mohammed Belal, Ambassador of Bangladesh in The Netherlands portrayed Bangabandhu as a strong, visionary and beloved leader. He mentioned that, in that crisis period of Pakistan era he was not only a great leader but also such a powerful presence who worked as eternal inspiration for entire nation. He was also fearless and uncompromising. Throughout his life Bangabandhu was moderate, people-centered and liberal; in his towering persona, he was brave, compassionate and loving. Bangabandhu had a great vision but unfortunately did not get enough time to materialize his dreams for the country and its people whom he loved more than himself. The untimely death of Bangabandhu was a great loss for the country. He further highlighted that the responsibility is now upon all of us to build the nation about which he dreamt for. He urged members of Bangladesh community to join with renewed vision in the development journey of Bangladesh from their respective positions. He requested them to inculcate Bangabandhu’s ideology and principle among our next generation.

Referring to the ongoing ethnic cleansing in Rakhine province of Myanmar, Ambassador Belal, borrowing a phrase of Foreign Secretary Mr. Md. Shahidul Haque, stated that have Rohingyas had a Bangabandhu their situation would not have been as miserable as it is now. So, as a nation, we should be eternally grateful to this great leader. Ambassador Belal also shared with the audience the historic news of Bangladesh’s graduation from LDC status and wished to see sustained continuity of Bangladesh development journey in the days ahead.

On the occasion of National Childrens’ Day, Ambassador Belal congratulated them and mentioned that children were very close to Bangabndhu. He advised them to read about Bangbandhu’s life  and take him as a role model. He also commended them for participating in different art and quiz completion in remembrance of Bangabandhu. The children participated in painting and quiz competition enthusiastically. Later, a brief cultural programme was presented by children of Embassy family and Bangladesh community.  To encourage their participation, Madame Dr. Dilruba Nasrin, wife of H.E. Ambassador, distributed attractive prizes among all participants of painting and quiz competition. At the end of the programme, she cut a birthday cake of Bangabandhu along with all the children. All children and guests were served with lunch after the ceremony.

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